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Dworkin, R., & 德沃金 朗諾. (2019).  認真對待權利.
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Eagleton, T. (2019).  美感的意識形態.
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Epictetus (2024).  不掌控的自由.一位跛腳聖哲的黃金智慧.
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Falk, A. (2023).  善行.
Farnsworth, W. (2023).  給焦慮世代的哲學處方.
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Feyerabend, P. (1993).  Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge.
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Fichte, J. Gottlieb (1987).  The Vocation of Man.
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Finnegan, R. (1988).  Literacy and Orality: Studies in the Technology of Communication.
Fisher, A. (2010).  批判思考導論.
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Fletcher, J., & Benjamin A. (2012).  Abjection, Melancholia and Love : The Work of Julia Kristeva.
