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Clark, A. (2008).  Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension. 3,
Coeckelbergh, M. (2024).  AI世代.
Cohen, E. D., & 科恩 伊利特. (2013).  亞里斯多德會怎麼做?透過理性力量療癒自我. 318.
Cohen, E. D. (2012).  這麼想就對了: 哲學家教你破除11種負面想法. 377.
Conant, J. (2003).  On Going the Bloody Hard Way in Philosophy. The Possibilities of Sense.
Copeston, F. (2004).  西洋哲學史(1-7冊)/柯普斯登.
Critchley, S. (2004).  Very little– almost nothing : death, philosophy, literature. 276.
Croce, B. (2022).  美學原理.
Dainton, B. (2014).  Self: Philosophy in Transit.
Damasio, A. (2023).  擁有自我的心智.
Danto, A. C. (1981).  The Transfiguration of the Commonplace: A Philosophy of Art.
Davidson, D. (2005).  Truth and Predication.
Davies, D. (2004).  Art as Performance.
Davies, J. Chowning (2020).  人們何時及為何造反.
Davies, S. (2006).  The philosophy of art. 239.
Dawkins, R. (1989).  The Selfish Gene. 352.
de Beauvoir, S. (2023).  形影不離.
de Beauvoir, S. (2013).  第二性.
de Beauvoir, S., & 西蒙 波娃. (2015).  第二性. 人類的經典.
de Beauvoir, S. (2011).  The Second Sex.
De Beus, J. G. (2024).  西方之未來.
de Bono, E. (2023).  狄波諾思考力實踐手冊.
de Botton, A., 林 郁馨., & 蔡 淑雯. (2007).  哲學的慰藉. 人文思潮.
de Castro, E. Viveiros (2014).  Cannibal Metaphysics: For a Post-Structural Anthropology.
De Maistre, J. (2020).  St Petersburg Dialogues.
de Montaigne, M. (2014).  The Complete Essays of Michel De Montaigne.
Deleuze, G., & 德勒茲 吉爾. (2018).  尼采.
Deleuze, G., & 德勒茲 吉爾. (2021).  尼采與哲學.
Deleuze, G. (1995).  Negotiations, 1972-1990.
Deleuze, G. (1989).  Cinema 2: the Time-Image.
