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Lin, M., & 林 茂生. (1929).  Public Education in Formosa under the Japanese Administration.
Lin, P., Abney K., & Bekey G. A. (2014).  Robot Ethics : The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics.
Livingston, P. (1991).  Literature and rationality : ideas of agency in theory and fiction.
Livingston, P. (2009).  Cinema, philosophy, Bergman : on film as philosophy.
Livingston, P. (2005).  Art and intention : a philosophical study. 251.
Locke, J. (2020).  人類理解論.
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Luhmann, N., & 魯曼 尼克拉斯. (2016).  愛情作為激情.
Luhmann, N., & 魯曼 尼克拉斯. (2021).  社會系統:一個一般理論的大綱.
Lukács, G., & Lukács G. (1971).  The Theory of the Novel: A historico-philosophical essay on the forms of great epic literature.
Lukacs, G. (2017).  History and Class Consciousness.
Lukacs, G., 盧 卡奇., & 杜 章智. (1999).  歷史與階級意識∶關於馬克思主義辯證法的研究. 漢譯世界學術名著叢書.
Lukacs, G., & 盧 卡奇. (1997).  小說理論.
Lyotard, J-F. (2021).  為什麼哲學思考?.
Lyotard, J-F. (1984).  The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge.
Lyotard, J-F. (2019).  後現代狀態:關於知識的報告.
