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Gregg, J. (2023).  如果尼采是獨角鯨. 1,
Hacking, I. (2008).  Scientific reason.
Hales, S. D. (2022).  幸運的祕密.
Hall, S. S. (2022).  智慧之源.
Hall, E. (2024).  關於人生,你可以問問亞里斯多德.
Han, B-chul. (2016).  Die Austreibung des Anderen.
Han, B-chul. (2017).  Shanzhai: Deconstruction in Chinese.
Harari, Y. Noah, & 哈拉瑞 尤瓦爾·諾瓦. (2018).  21世紀的21堂課.
Harold, J. (2020).  Dangerous Art: On Moral Criticisms of Artwork (Thinking Art).
Hart, H. Lionel Ado, & 哈特 H·L·A·. (2018).  法律的概念.
Havel, V. (1990).  The Power of the powerless : citizens against the state in central-eastern Europe.
Hawking, S. (1996).  時間簡史.
Hegel, G. W. F. (2005).  Philosophy of Right.
Hegel, G. W. F., & 黑格爾 G. W. F. (2022).  大邏輯.
Hegel, G. Wilhelm Fr (2023).  哲學史講演錄.
Hegel, G. W. F. (2023).  哲學史講演錄(第二卷).
Heidegger, M., Macquarrie J., & Robinson E. S. (2008).  Being and Time.
Heidegger, M. (1927).  Sein und Zeit. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 161986,
Heidegger, M. (2003).  Holzwege.
Heidegger, M. (1975).  Being and time.
Heidegger, M. (2013).  The Essence of Truth: On Plato’s Cave Allegory and Theaetetus.
Heilbroner, R. L. (2020).  俗世哲學家.
Heinze, E. (2023).  人權的底線.
Helvétius, C. Adrien (1810).  A Treatise on Man: His Intellectual Faculties & His Education, Vol. I.
Hempel, C. Gustav (1966).  Philosophy of natural science. 116.
Herrigel, E., & 海瑞格 奧根. (2021).  箭藝與禪心.
Hesiod, H., & 赫希 俄德. (1999).  工作與時日‧神譜.
Heubel, F., & 何 乏筆. (2017).  跨文化漩渦中的莊子. 544.
Heywood, A. (2016).  政治的意識形態.
Hickel, J. (2022).  少即是多.
