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Buxton, R., & Whiting L. (2024).  哲學家女王.
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Buber, M. (2023).  我與你.
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Bourrillon, F., & Gadea A. (2021).  兒童哲學好好玩.
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Bosley, I. (2023).  跟著德國人學邏輯推理.
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Boothby, R. (2022).  我們沒有好好道別.
Booth, M. W. (1981).  The Experience of Songs.
Bond, E. J. (2012).  倫理學與幸福人生.
Bleisch, B., & 布萊許 芭芭拉. (2018).  為什麼我們不欠父母?!.
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Biesta, G. J. J., & Burbules N. C. (2022).  實用主義與教育研究.
Berlin, I. (2013).  The Crooked Timber of Humanity : Chapters in the History of Ideas.
Berlin, I., & Harris I. (2002).  Liberty.
Berkeley, G. (2011).  Alciphron or: The Minute Philosopher A Defence of the Christian Religion against the So-called Free-thinkers.
Bentham, J. (1830).  Advice to a young girl (22 June 1830).
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