No exit, and three other plays | 哲學新媒體


No exit, and three other plays

  • 難度
    作者(群): Sartre, Jean-Paul
    譯者: Gilbert, Stuart
    出版社: Vintage International
    出版年份: 1989
  • Vintage International ed. Translated from the French. In these four plays, Jean-Paul Sartre, the great existentialist novelist and philosopher, displays his mastery of the drama. No Exit is an unforgettable portrayal of hell. The Flies is a modern reworking of the Electra-Orestes story. Dirty Hands is about a young intellectual torn between theory and praxis. The Respectful Prostitute is a scathing attack on American racism. 4 plays about an existential portrayal of Hell, the reworking of the Electra-Orestes story, the conflict of a young intellectual torn between theory and conflict and an arresting attack on American racism. No exit = Huis clos – The flies = Les mouches – Dirty hands = Les mains sales – The respectful prostitute = La putain respectueuse.