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Aristotle, 亞里斯多德. (2009).  The Nicomachean Ethics.
Aristotle, 亞里斯多德. (2023).  尼科馬哥倫理學.
Aristotle, 亞里斯多德. (2019).  政治學.
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Arpaly, N. (2005).  How It Is Not "Just like Diabetes": Mental Disorders and the Moral Psychologist. Philosophical Issues. 15,
Augustini, A. (2010).  論自由意志:奧古斯丁對話錄二篇.
Aurelius, M., & 奧理略 馬可. (2012).  沉思錄:我與自己的對話.
Austin, J. L. (1997).  感覺與所感覺的事物.
Bacon, F. (2022).  學問之增進.
Badiou, A. (2007).  Being and event.
Badiou, A. (2005).  Infinite Thought.
Badiou, A., & 巴迪歐 阿蘭. (2012).  愛的多重奏.
Baggini, J. (2023).  哲學家是這樣思考的.
Baird, R. M., & Rosenbaum S. E. (2004).  Same-sex marriage : the moral and legal debate.
Bakewell, S. (2023).  人文主義的追尋.
Baldus, M. (2016).  Kämpfe um die Menschenwürde: Die Debatten seit 1949.
Baradat, L. P., & Phillips J. A. (2016).  Political ideologies : their origins and impact.
Barrett, W. (2013).  非理性的人.
Barrett, L. Feldman, & 巴瑞特 麗莎. (2020).  情緒跟你以為的不一樣.
Barthes, R. (1972).  Mythologies.
Barthes, R. (2006).  Camera Lucida : Reflections on Photography.
Barthes, R. (2024).  明室:攝影札記.
Baudelaire, C. Pierre (2019).  巴黎的憂鬱.
Baudrillard, J. (2018).  物體系.
Baumann, J. (1968).  Programm für ein neues Strafgesetzbuch.
Beardsley, M. C. (1981).  Aesthetics : Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism.
Bellah, R. (2023).  失序的心靈.
ben Jelloun, T. (2019).  向下扎根!法國教育的公民思辨課1-「什麼是種族歧視?在日常生活中又如何被複製?」:追根究柢各種沒來由的成見與誤解.
Benatar, D. (2023).  生兒為人是何苦.
Benatar, D. (2008).  Better Never to Have Been : The Harm of Coming into Existence.
