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Book Chapter
Arendt, H., & Kohn J. (2006).  The Crisis in Education. Between Past and Future. 320.
Frege, G. (2011).  The Frege-Wittgenstein Correspondence: Interpretive Themes. Interactive Wittgenstein.
Conant, J. (2003).  On Going the Bloody Hard Way in Philosophy. The Possibilities of Sense.
Borges, J. Luis (1962).  Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote. Labyrinths.
Fortier, A-M. (2002).  Queer Diaspora. Handbook of Lesbian and Gay Studies.
Eaton, M. M. (2000).  A Sustainable Definition of “Art”. Theories of Art Today. 141–159.
Arendt, H. (2008).  Truth and Politics. Truth: Engagements Across Philosophical Traditions. 295–314.
Goldman, H. S. (1993).  Weber's Ascetic Practices of the Self. Weber's Protestant Ethic Origins, Evidence, Contexts.
Frith, S. (1988).  Why Do Songs Have Words?. Music for Pleasure: Essays in the Sociology of Pop. 105-128.
范, 忠信. (2004).  中西法律傳統中的「親親相為隱」. 儒家倫理爭鳴集──以「親親相隱」為核心. 664-713.
劉, 軍平., & 郭 齊勇. (2004).  儒家「親親相隱」的倫理依據和法律要求. 儒家倫理爭鳴集──以「親親相隱」為中心. 735-750.
李, 滉. (1996).  退溪集. 韓國文集叢刊. 29,
王, 路. (2022).  邏輯與哲學.
Brothers, T. Spierig (2014).  超時空攔截.
Journal Article
Russell, B. (1905).  On Denoting. Mind. 14, 479–493.
Menke, C. (2005).  Die Gegenwart der Tragödie. Versuch über Urteil und Spiel. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
Schmitz, H.-G. (2002).  Die Menschheit zum Scheusal machen. Zu Kants Auffassung der Todesstrafe. Perspektiven der Philosophy. 28,
Althusser, L. (1976).  Essays on Ideology.
Jaanus Sooväli (2015).  Friedrich Nietzsche's Influence on the Estonian Intellectual Landscape. Studia Philosophica Estonica. 8.2,
Arpaly, N. (2005).  How It Is Not "Just like Diabetes": Mental Disorders and the Moral Psychologist. Philosophical Issues. 15,
Finnegan, R. (1974).  How Oral Is Oral Literature?. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 37(1), 52-64.
Horkheimer, M., & Adorno T. W. (1971).  Kulturindustrie. Aufklärung als Massenbetrug. Dialektik der Aufklärung, Fischer, Frankfurt a. M. 108–151.
Adorno, T. W. (1977).  Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main. 97.
Tengelyi, L. (1943).  La formation de sens comme événement. 34, 149–172.
Kania, A. (2006).  Making Tracks: The Ontology of Rock Music. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 64(4), 401-14.
Adorno, T. W. (1966).  Negative Dialektik. Frankfurt am Main. 21980, 86.
Savile, A. (1971).  Nelson Goodman’s "Languages of Art": A Study. The British Journal of Aesthetics. 11(1), 3-27.
Young, J. O. (2014).  The Poverty of Musical Ontology. The Journal of Music and Meaning. 13, 1-19.
