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Freeden, M., & 吳 家恆. (2022).  20世紀的主義們.
Frazer, E. (1999).  The problems of communitarian politics : unity and conflict. 279.
Fraser, C. (2016).  The philosophy of the mòzĭ: the first consequentialists.
Frankfurt, H. G. (2019).  The Reasons of Love.
Foucault, M., & 傅柯 米歇爾. (2010).  必須保衛社會.
Fortier, A-M. (2002).  Queer Diaspora. Handbook of Lesbian and Gay Studies.
Foot, P. R. (2003).  Virtues and Vices and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy.
Flusser, V. (2023).  設計的哲學.
Fletcher, J., & Benjamin A. (2012).  Abjection, Melancholia and Love : The Work of Julia Kristeva.
Fisher, A. (2010).  批判思考導論.
Fisher, A. (2011).  Metaethics : an introduction.
Finnegan, R. (1974).  How Oral Is Oral Literature?. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 37(1), 52-64.
Finnegan, R. (1988).  Literacy and Orality: Studies in the Technology of Communication.
Fichte, J. Gottlieb (1987).  The Vocation of Man.
Feyerabend, P. (1993).  Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge.
Feyerabend, P., & 法伊爾阿本德 保羅. (1996).  反對方法.
Ferro, M. (2019).  向下扎根!法國教育的公民思辨課2-「為什麼會有殖民地?殖民政策如何影響當今全球權力布局?」:從地理、歷史與社會學角度,綜觀大國如何崛起.
Feltham, O. (2008).  Alain Badiou : live theory.
Farnsworth, W. (2023).  跟蘇格拉底學思辨.
Farnsworth, W. (2023).  給焦慮世代的哲學處方.
Falk, A. (2023).  善行.
Evans, D. (2023).  情緒.
Etzioni, A. (1996).  The new golden rule : community and morality in a democratic society. 314.
Etzioni, A. (1998).  The essential communitarian reader. 323.
Etzioni, A. (1995).  The spirit of community : rights, responsibilities, and the communitarian agenda. 323.
Ettinger, E. (1997).  女哲學家與她的情人.
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Eribon, D., & 艾希邦 迪迪耶. (2022).  傅柯.
Eilenberger, W., & 艾倫伯格 沃弗朗. (2022).  黑暗年代的女哲學家.
Edmonds, D., & 愛德蒙茲 大衛. (2017).  你該殺死那個胖子嗎?.
