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Damasio, A. (2023).  擁有自我的心智.
Dainton, B. (2014).  Self: Philosophy in Transit.
Croce, B. (2022).  美學原理.
Critchley, S. (2004).  Very little– almost nothing : death, philosophy, literature. 276.
Copeston, F. (2004).  西洋哲學史(1-7冊)/柯普斯登.
Conant, J. (2003).  On Going the Bloody Hard Way in Philosophy. The Possibilities of Sense.
Cohen, E. D. (2012).  這麼想就對了: 哲學家教你破除11種負面想法. 377.
Cohen, E. D., & 科恩 伊利特. (2013).  亞里斯多德會怎麼做?透過理性力量療癒自我. 318.
Coeckelbergh, M. (2024).  AI世代.
Clark, A. (2008).  Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension. 3,
Claeys, G., & 克雷斯 格雷戈里. (2022).  馬克思與馬克思主義.
Cicero, M. Tullius (2010).  Cicero's Tusculan Disputations.
Cicero, M. Tullius (2021).  論老年.論友誼.論責任.
Cibala, & 蒲 世豪. (2020).  哲學很有事:十九世紀.
Cibala (2023).  哲學與它們的產地.
Cibala (2020).  哲學很有事:二十世紀.
Cholbi, M. (2023).  悲痛:關於生命逝去的哲思.
Chipp, H. B. (1968).  Theories of Modern Art: A Source Book by Artists and Critics.
Chilard, A-S., & Lemaître P. (2020).  給7-11歲孩子的哲學大哉問2.
Chatelet, E. Du (2009).  Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings.
Chao, H-K., Chen S-T., Millstein R. L., 陳 思廷., & 趙 相科. (2013).  Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics. 266.
Carter, Z. D. (2022).  和平的代價.
Carson, R., & .卡森 瑞秋. (2017).  寂靜的春天:自然文學不朽經典全譯本.
Carse, J. (2013).  Finite and Infinite Games.
Carroll, N. (2023).  幽默.
Carnap, R. (1935).  Philosophy and Logical Syntax.
Carlyle, T. (2023).  衣裳哲學.
Capet, P. (2024).  什麼是說謊?.
Camus, A., & 卡繆 阿爾貝. (2022).  誤會.
Camus, A. (1991).  The Myth of Sisyphus and other essays.
